Have NO FEAR...
A.R.K. is here
We've got you and your pet covered.

Your pet’s first visit to the A.R.K. marks the beginning of a trusting and cooperative relationship between you and our veterinary care team. Together our efforts can ensure your pet has a happy, healthy and long life ahead of them as a new member in your family.
Bringing a puppy, kitten or pediatric animal into your family marks the beginning of a life-long commitment as well as a happy and exciting time full of new experiences. We want to help you and your pet adjust to your new life together and transition into a once in a lifetime friendship with an irreplaceable bond. We recommend scheduling your pediatric pet's first visit at 8 weeks of age or sooner if he or she joins your family at a younger age. Remember that just as a newborn or infant relies on their parents; your pet will rely solely on you as their owner and pet parent.
My anxiety is high and I have so many questions ...where do I even start and what happens at my pediatric pet's first visit?
At your first visit you can expect it to include:
* A comprehensive physical examination is performed on your pediatric pet.
* Your pet's first vaccinations are administered and an overview of their vaccination schedule is provided to you.
* Screening for intestinal parasites is done, in room deworming and antiparasitic medications are dispensed should your pet test positive.
* Testing for viruses such as:
FELV/FIV in kittens (12wks and older)
Parvo in puppies (sick or exposure)
Any other viruses if suspected
* Monthly heartworm and flea prevention is prescribed for your pet as well as an intestinal parasite control medication.
* In room consultation about your pet's individual needs and nutrition like what, when and how much to feed.
* Behavior, training and what to expect or modify as your pet goes through adolescenthood. This includes potty training, socialization, manners and family dynamics.
* Surgical alteration or sterilization of your pet will be discussed during this visit.
Male (neuter / castration)
- can be done at any time if both testicles are descended
Female (spay / OHE)
- 4 to 6 months
- Prior to 1st heat cycle is best
* Your very own question and answer session with our veterinarian tailored around your unique and special pediatric pet.
* Your pet's next appointment will be scheduled at the end of his or her visit.
That seems like a lot for one visit...what if I forget to ask something or have even more questions?
During this visit, your veterinarian will also discuss any risks particular to your pet’s breed, history, environmental exposure, and physical exam findings. If all of your questions are not met in this first visit do not worry as you can expect to visit us several times over your first few months of pet ownership as booster vaccines are administered 3 to 4 weeks apart. Pediatric pets are scheduled to be altered between 4 to 6 months of age. We encourage you to write down any questions or concerns that you may have for your pediatric pet's next visit and feel free to call us at any time in between schedule visits. Our goal is to help you conquer pet parenthood by providing you with the necessary resources in conjunction with our veterinary experience and knowledge.
Canine / puppies
6 to 8 week visit:
Comprehensive physical examination
Intestinal parasite screening
DHPP vaccine (Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvo, Parainfluenza)
+/- Heartworm prevention
10 to 12 week visit:
Comprehensive physical examination
DHPP (Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvo, Parainfluenza)
Bordetella vaccine (Kennel Cough)
Heartworm prevention
+/- Fecal exam if positive at prior visit
Discussing / scheduling spay or neuter surgery
14 to 16 week visit:
Comprehensive physical examination
DHLPP (Distemper, Hepatitis, Lepto, Parvo, Parainfluenza)
Rabies vaccine (1 year no exceptions)
Heartworm prevention
Scheduling spay or neuter surgery
20 to 22 week visit:
Comprehensive physical examination
DHLPP vaccine (Distemper, Hepatitis, Lepto, Parvo, Parainfluenza)
Bordetella vaccine (Kennel Cough)
Heartworm prevention
Scheduling spay or neuter surgery
Non-core vaccines are available **
* Your pet can return at 7 months of age to receive Proheart, the six (6) month heartworm prevention injection. Large or giant breeds are an exception to this rule and are required to be over one (1) year of age due to their rapid growth rate. Proheart is time released over a six (6) month period and is calculated by a pet's individual weight. It is not uncommon for a giant breed puppy to grow past their one (1) year birth date. We do not want to risk your pet's protection against heartworm disease simply because they hit an adolescent growth spurt.
Feline / kittens
6 to 8 week visit:
Comprehensive physical examination
FVRCP vaccine (Feline Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus, Panleukopenia)
Intestinal parasite screening
+/- Heartworm and flea prevention
10 to12 week visit:
Comprehensive physical examination
+/- Fecal exam if positive at prior visit
FVRCP vaccine (Feline Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus, Panleukopenia)
FELV vaccine (Feline Leukemia)
Heartworm / FELV / FIV screening ***
Heartworm/flea prevention
Discuss and schedule spay or neuter surgery
1 to 16 week visit:
Comprehensive physical examination
Rabies vaccine (1 year no exceptions)
FVRCP vaccine (Feline Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus, Panleukopenia)
FELV vaccine (Feline Leukemia)
Heartworm/flea prevention
Schedule spay or neuter surgery
Ferret / kits
6 to 8 week visit:
Comprehensive physical examination
CDV vaccine (Canine Distemper)
Intestinal parasite screening
+/- Heartworm and flea prevention
10 to 12 week visit:
Comprehensive physical examination
+/- Fecal exam if positive at prior visit
CDV vaccine (Canine Distemper)
Heartworm/flea prevention
Discuss and schedule spay or neuter surgery
14 to 16 week visit:
Comprehensive physical examination
Rabies vaccine (1 year no exceptions)
CDV vaccine (Canine Distemper)
Heartworm/flea prevention
Schedule spay or neuter surgery *
* A majority of ferrets are sold as already being altered and descended.